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Buy me a tea through the donation button! Mentions are appreciated. Contact me if using imgs on ads to check for rights releases.
Head of Content at Pexels | Support me via the "Donate" button ☝️ Donation Goal: $62.00 of $500 — Thank you EE & Co. 🖤
You can follow my work on Instagram (@avecalvar). Every donation is appreciated and helps me a lot to keep the good content!
Hi! I'm Amanda also known as Cxpturing Souls in the photography scene.
Product designer & amateur photographer. Every donation means a lot to me !
check out our collections, grouped by topics. your donation creates inspiration😉
Illustrations available on => | Donations are much appreciated ❤️
Hi! If you love my pics follow me! Be free to make a donation
Donate to support my work 🥰 Smartphone wallpapers at my link ✨
You can see more photos on my instagram account. I'll be glad to see you :)
Thanks for your visit and support! ❤️