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Product, food and lifestyle photographer, content creator. PayPal/Payoneer. Name- Daria Solonska /
traveling through life & catching little moments | thanks a lot for the views and your donations!
Just doing what I love ❤ Follow me on instagram!
Absolutely awkward, caffeine dependent geek. Traveller | Blogger
Photographer from Sao Paulo, Brazil. 5D Classic lover and always willing to help and learn. Donate if I help you somehow =)
24, Brazilian, portrait photographer. Happy to be in this platform creating some free content. Your donation creates inspiration!
"Ta nguyện khuynh thiên hạ để đổi lấy nụ cười thật tình của ngươi".
Conceptual Photographer and Professional Daydreamer / Donation is love in a shape of support
Photographer. Instagram: @luizclas