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Videography/Photographer Trying to learn and create my best
With your help, donating any amount, my dream is getting closer ❤️ My camera broke ,New camera goal: 45/399$
check out our collections, grouped by topics. your donation creates inspiration😉
Kenya based photographer. Please support with donation through Paypal
An edgy, multi-disciplinary creative studio focused on digital + visual storytelling
Donations are deeply appreciated to sustain this creative journey! 💘
small girl with big dreams✨ please donate to support my work ❤️
I'm a photographer based in Brasília - Brazil. Feel free to donate at PayPal! ♥️
I challenge you to donate $1 per download. Photographer & Tech Designer. Minimalism, colors, textures and poetries are my passions
Brazil, 1993. Support my art by donating any amount, thanks!
I am happy to share my photos and videos. Thank you for all your support, following and donations.