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Mael Balland ↟↟ •🇫🇷 • Canon & & Dji • 23 years • My Instagram: mael_balland
Brand designer, photographer, and strategist. Turning ideas into impactful visuals. Website: rvrdesign.co
Thanks for download my pictures, please donate a few dollars to support my work. My camera needs to be replaced
Make your donation! =)
And An uncharted photographer who's looking for stability!
Web/ Graphic Designer
Professional Photographer | Donations are very much appreciated! | Message me for freelance work (hildmedia@hotmail.com)
Photographer | Filmmaker | ouajbir.com
Vehicle Photographer
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Petty & everyday imagery – analog & digital. NO flights. NO overtourism instagram travel hotspots. NEW PROJECT: 𝚜𝚑𝚘𝚝𝚘𝚗𝚏𝚒𝚕𝚖.𝚒𝚘 🎞️