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Buy me a tea through the donation button! Mentions are appreciated. Contact me if using imgs on ads to check for rights releases.
My name is Jonathan Schmer. Sharing my passion of traveling through photography. With a donation you would support and motivate me
@yaroslav-shuraev and I make beautiful content for you, thanks for supporting us with donations, we really appreciate it!
Thank you so much for the support via donations ! 🙏🏾 I really appreciate your support ! Mahalo nui loa !
Every donation will helps make beautiful content for you! I really appreciate it! Follow my instagram @yaroslav_shuraev
nature and city shots and videos for fun. new to pexels. all likes and donations are appreciated
If you like my work and want to support me consider to follow my Instagram :)
This collection of images has been donated to Pexels to support your creative journey. Every donation helps keep me working.
Audiovisual technician, passionate about video and YouTube
If you are downloading a photo, give me please $1 or $5 and if you can, more $. Thank you :)