How I got the shot: Kammeran Gonzalez - Keola
Kammeran Gonzalez - Keola was born and raised in Honalulu, Hawaii. He’s a keen surfer, beach content creator and ocean photographer. He’s also been a Pexels Hero for three years, capturing incredible shots of his home in Oahu, the ocean, the surfers, swimmers and animals that live there. Kammeran's photography reflects his passion for the ocean as well as his commitment to sharing the natural wonders of his beloved Hawaii.
In August this year, Kammeran was the third-place winner of our Action for Animals Challenge in partnership with IFAW (International Fund For Animal Welfare). His winning submission was this captivating underwater photograph of spinner dolphins in their natural habitat on the North Shore of Oahu.

Photo by Kammeran Gonzalez-Keola · View Photo
Watch the video below to hear Kammeran share how he was able to capture these beautiful creatures in the wild.
To see more of Kammeran's work, visit his Pexels profile page here
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