Pexels BlogPhotography

What World Photography Day means to the Pexels Community

Last month Pexels hosted a series of events for photographers all over the world to celebrate World Photography Day. We chatted with Blue Arauz, Pexels Head of Community, about what the team got up to and some of the highlights.

What is World Photography Day?

World Photography Day is an annual celebration of the art and craft of photography. It happens every year on the 19th of August, and it's a day that photographers all around the world come together and share their love of photography.

Why is World Photography Day so important to the Pexels Community?

Our talented community of photographers are incredibly creative and passionate about their artform. They practice and hone their skills every day, all year round - it's amazing to see the way that they view the world. A huge part of the work of the Community Team here at Pexels is to bring photographers together to help them connect with their peers and to share tips and learnings with each other. The team organises events and meet-ups for our community almost every week, in countries all over the world. World Photography Day is a brilliant opportunity to do this on a much bigger scale and allows us to bring our global community together in-person on this special day.

What sort of events did the Community team at Pexels organise this World Photography Day?

This year we hosted 55 meet-ups around the globe in 21 countries. From Mexico City to Istanbul, Des Moines to Ho Chi Minh, Abuja to Rio de Janeiro and many more. In total more than 1,125 Pexels members came together to snap photos, collaborate and make new friendships. The meet-ups ranged from casual photo walks through the city center to educational workshops and even elaborate adventures in nature. The thing that impressed us the most here at Pexels was the enthusiasm of all the hosts who helped us to get these meet-ups off the ground and the amazing response we had from the photographers who attended the events.

World Photography Day round-up

Can you tell us about a few of your favourites?

Because each of the events were so creative and unique in their own right, it's really tough to pick a favourite but here are a few of the standouts.

A swimming pool in Mexico City, Mexico It’s rare for photographers to have access to a unique space like a public swimming pool to take photos, but on World Photography Day a group of photographers in Mexico City had the chance to do just that. Various models posed as swimmers and divers, allowing photographers to practice new techniques and styles, and creating some captivating images in and out of the water.

Swimmer in black and white. Mexico City meet-up

Photo by Luis Merlos Vega · View Photo

Ready to dive in. Mexico City meet-up

Photo by Aldair Donaldo Ordoñez De Yta · View Photo

About to make a splash. Mexico City meet-up

Photo by Aldair Donaldo Ordoñez De Yta · View Photo

A Horse Farm in Kayseri, Turkey A group of photographers captured stunning images of horses galloping through the countryside. Models posed as a couple, creating romantic and beautiful shots that will make any engagement or wedding photographer jealous.

Horses galloping. Kayseri meet-up

Photo by Ahmed ؜ · View Photo

A horse Farm in Kayseri, Turkey

Photo by Feyza Yıldırım · View Photo

A horse Farm in Kayseri, Turkey

Video by Ahmed ؜ · View Video

A Launch Party in Berlin, Germany To launch the brand new Pexels community in Germany, 50 photographers attended a photo walk through Berlin. The first part of the walk had half a dozen models posing in front of futuristic looking buildings, historic buildings and the iconic riverside. The second part saw the arrival of two interpretive dancers that put on two separate performances. The photographers captured captivating photos and videos of the flowing movements of the dancers as they worked through their routines.

Berlin in black and white. Berlin meet-up

Photo by Tim Raack · View Photo

Portrait. Berlin meet-up

Photo by artawkrn · View Photo

Dancers. Berlin meet-up

Photo by George Frewat · View Photo

How can photographers get involved in Pexels events?

Pexels meet-ups happen every single month! Check out our meet-up page to see if anything is happening in your area. Want to host a meet-up? Message us on Instagram so we can help you plan.

Want to see the amazing photos and video taken during this years World Photography day events? You can view them here

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