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5 Simple Ideas for Unforgettable Self Portraits

Self portraits were a photographer favorite long before the selfie.

It can be easy to forge that people were taking portrait photos of themselves ever since there were cameras. These weren't all artful studio shots, either—even early photographers indulged in silly tourist snaps and mirror portraits.

And of course, self portraits became a widely popular artistic genre centuries before photography, with many renowned artists dabbling in self portraiture. Picasso painted his own portrait many times over his artistic career, showcasing his experiments with style through a lifetime series of self portraits.

The self portrait work of Andy Warhol and Frida Kahlo came to define both their careers. And artists like Cindy Sherman and Ana Mendieta used photos of themselves as the medium for endlessly inventive and groundbreaking artwork.

There's no shortage of spectacular, inspirational self portrait photography out there—so why do selfies get such a bad rap? What makes a self portrait different from a selfie?

It's a hard question to answer. But it seems safe to say that what separates a selfie from a fine art portrait comes down to the creativity of the photographer and the intention behind the photo.

Elevating a self portrait to art status is more than just finding the right lighting and setting. Those things are important, don't get us wrong—but the best self portraits stand out because they successfully convey a message about the person shown.

The great thing about self portrait photography is that you have total control over what that message might be. Do you want to show an authentic image of yourself, or do you want to use your face and/or body as props in a creative shoot? Here are a few possible paths to consider for your next self portrait shoot.

Self Portrait Idea #1: Get real

Bring authenticity to your self portrait shoot. Forgo makeup or special lighting, and just try to show yourself for you. Embrace your untidy room and unmade bed and revel in that everyday mess. Or try documenting yourself at work on your favorite hobby, or simply relaxing in your own space.

This type of shoot is easy in that it doesn't require much in the way of setup or special equipment. But it can present a more emotional challenge, requiring you to get really comfortable in front of the camera.

Your face doesn't necessarily need to appear in a self portrait.

Photo by Clara Ngo · View Photo

Self Portrait Idea #2: Shoot from behind

This idea may require some trial and error since you will likely not be able to watch the progress of the shoot at all—but that's part of the fun! Shooting a self portrait from behind also offers a unique challenge: how can you communicate something about your personality without showing your face?

Try some unexpected poses and see what results. Portraits from the back can feel more unusual and possibly a bit mysterious than your standard face-on image.

Get creative with shadows and light.

Photo by Jeffrey Czum · View Photo

Self Portrait Idea #3: Hide your face

Here's another fun idea for those who might be feeling camera shy. Try obscuring your face in your self portrait. You can do this many ways—try holding different props in front of your face or experimenting with lighting to throw parts of your face into shadow.

In the portrait above, photographer Jeffrey Czum creates an unexpected texture by using his hand to cast a shadow over his features. Find a bright window with some strong afternoon sun and try it yourself at home.

Fun props like plants and flowers add interesting detail to a self portrait.

Photo by Anna Shvets · View Photo

Self Portrait Idea #4: Use props to express personality

You can use props to not only add texture and interest to your self portraits, but also to share something about yourself.

Do you love nature? Symbolize this by incorporating some greenery into your shoot. Are you an avid reader? Maybe you photograph yourself surrounded by big stacks of your favorite books.

Try new takes on this old classic.

Photo by Suzy Hazelwood · View Photo

Self Portrait Idea #5: Reinvent the mirror selfie

Mirrors can make for excellent photo props—done right, a mirror selfie can definitely transcend selfie status to become a beautiful self portrait.

Take a cue from the example here and try finding an interesting mirror for maximum impact. Photographer Suzy Hazelwood's decision to shoot on film and in black and white also adds a moody feeling to this shot, making it more memorable than a standard mirror snap.

Feeling inspired? Submit your best self portraits taken at home to our latest photo challenge.

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