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Novelist, book length nonfiction, video creator, educator
Alex Cantarelli(Rome,1970) is a philosopher,italian theater director and playwright.He leads Theatre of Bruneck, in Südtyrol,Italy
Food Photographer | SF Bay Area | Instagram: @jer.chung | Please donate to support my work😊
Libyan volunteer documentation team فريق توثيق تطوعي يتبع لمؤسسة براح للثقافة والفنون,بنغازي,ليبيا
im a collage student teaching myself how to shoot anything helps, including feedback. Thanks!
Sono Gianluca Gentile, nato nel 1991 con una passione per l'informatica. Nel 2012, ho iniziato a creare siti web.
Optimist | Business Developer| Creative | Brand Manager 🍂I’m A Product Of God🍃
Every donation helps! ❤️ 🙈
Trentino Alto Adige - Dolomites
Master Degree in Computer Science at UniTN, Machine Vision developer, Designer, Photographer and Petrolhead
Science comunicator.Follow :World GeoDemo (You Tube / TikTok/X/Facebook),World GeoFlowers,World GeoAnimals,World GeoUniverse