CEO/FOUNDER/PROx4: Property Developer/Builder WW, Rafting Company WW, global Photo Agency, global ADV Agency.
mon quotidien, ma routine, ma vie en cliché... je suis coach، une créatrice de contenu digital، blogueuse, youtubeuse; musulmane
Aosda Saoghalan illustrator and an amateur photographer
Il Clown Caramello pensa che tutti i bambini e non solo meritino di vivere un attimo della loro vita in maniera spensierata.
Yuliya & Japanese Spitz SIMBA TSAR ZVEREI
I am 34 years old, I have a wonderful family. I love my wife and little girl more than I love my life. I'm a dreamer!
If you would like to buy my photos as prints, visit my shop at Redbubble. It would be great to see you there.