I'm Beginner
I travel w/ my dogs and Lizards
Nature Lovers
Dříve pedagog, ředitel školy, školní inspektor a nyní fotograf zvířátek a přírody. Domovem člověka je planeta Země.
King Lip is a finance + numbers guy. King Lip enjoys the world through photography.
Doing my thing, ain't much more to it. If you would like to support my photography then smash that PayPal! Anything helps.
Cada momento é único e deve ser vivido pois nos ruins aprendemos grandes lições e nos bons somos recompensados
Fashion e lifestyle
I'm an artist in music, dance & photography, living in Vienna/Austria. Visit my professional model & art page on INSTAGRAM ...
Freelancer translator and author
Hiker, marathoner and personal fitness trainer