Mi pasión es hacer ver lo que realmente quieres. Es necesario, etiquétanos si subes nuestro contenido. Gracias por donar. <3
We are a strategic, creative agency that loves to solve problems.
Welcome to my thoughts and imagination
Love nature and try to capture the beauty of it in every angle.
Photographer and Filmmaker based in Cape Town, South Africa. Co-owner and Producer at Peanut Butter Visuals.
Lighting engineer during the day. Astrophotographer at night.
Photographer - Marketer
| 💫 | Hijo de Dios | 🎬 | Cinéfilo | 🌐 | Polímata | 🇩🇴 | Político Innato | 💻 | Tec. Informático | ⚖️ | Estudiante de Derecho
Profesora de música, Piano, Composición, Poeta, Declamación,Fotografía, Videos