Visual Artist
I make handmade accessories 🐈 Visit my shop! Donate: https://pay.whitepay.com/crypto-jars/9e6e63e8-93fe-4679-a9f5-3ef2
walk, breathe, jump, feel, focus and click. All free but donations are welcome ;)
🇮🇩 There is no success without sacrifice
Communication ancrée dans l’air du temps, fraîche, positive et imaginative
Being exposed to many things from childhood to adulthood, Scientist loves experiencing new things as his mind & views expand.
The Scientist is waiting
TSquared Lab provides a holistic fitness ecosystem for personal training, nutrition, and recovery.
I love nature and nature photography. Please have a look at my YouTube channel & please subscribe my channel if you like my videos
I make videos, and I happen to always take extra footage. Please make good use of it :)