I travel w/ my dogs and Lizards
Nature Lovers
Dříve pedagog, ředitel školy, školní inspektor a nyní fotograf zvířátek a přírody. Domovem člověka je planeta Země.
King Lip is a finance + numbers guy. King Lip enjoys the world through photography.
Cada momento é único e deve ser vivido pois nos ruins aprendemos grandes lições e nos bons somos recompensados
Fashion e lifestyle
I'm an artist in music, dance & photography, living in Vienna/Austria. Visit my professional model & art page on INSTAGRAM ...
Freelancer translator and author
Hiker, marathoner and personal fitness trainer
Thanks a lot for Donate 🤍 | Love all about aesthetics
Film maker from Latvia
Never try to destroy someone's life with a lie when yours could be destroyed by the truth.