Fotos feitas com celular. Amo fotografar a vida e tudo que faz parte dela🐌💃👪💏🍁🌴🌵🌊🌤️🏖️🦋🐞🤩
A young photographer from São Paulo. (If you <3 my job, please leave a small donation! ;D)
I love to make beautiful images and videos to share with the world. I hope you like some of them. Thank you.
Traveller and visual artist from Portugal :)
Fotógrafo & Operador de Drone apaixonado por explorar novas perspectivas.
🎒 Backpacker du dimanche 🛩️ 📍 Paris 🇫🇷 📷
Designer, Fotógrafa & Social Media há 10 anos! ▶️ Fotografia Comercial para a Área da Saúde e Beleza ▶️ Segmentos femininos
Travel and outdoor photographer from Mexico based in Istanbul.
Thank you for using my work for your art and business! Please consider making a donation so I can keep creating independently
Please follow on Instagram “orhunruzgaroz”