CAA Certified aerial photography and videography 🚀 📸 🎦 Based in Exeter, UK
Freelance Photographer , Cinematographer and an Engineer
Head of Content at Pexels | Support me via the "Donate" button ☝️ Donation Goal: $62.00 of $500 — Thank you EE & Co. 🖤
an amateur photographer who looking for moments. donate me a cafe via Paypal at nguyenphuongthao.red@gmail.com
Enthusiast Nature and Landscape Photographer📷. If you feel you want to give back, please donate. Cheers!
Published author and freelance photographer.
Thank you for checking out my photos. Mentioning as a credit would be much appreciated if you use them online!!
Um entusiasta da arte amante da fotografia.
Rehook engineers solutions to combat everyday cycling problems. Always there, to get you back on your bike.
writer. traveler. peacemaker.