Donations and credit are always very much appreciated | My dream is to buy Nikon D750 | Support me via👆 PayPal
Land/Aerial Photos & Videos, Follow me for more content :) Thanks a lot to all of you guys For Your Donations!!!
Australian filmmaker and photographer specialising in travel
Norwegian model & Photographer.
GivingTuesday unleashes the power of radical generosity around the world. Check out our curated visual collection for changemakers
Director Of Photography and Abstract Lover.
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- Viver experiências incríveis; 😍 - Viajar o mundo; 🌎 - Construir coisas extraordinárias; 🚀 e - Contar histórias inesquecíveis.
Speaking through the eyes of Nature. Thank you for downloading and donating.
Get Inspired by The Heroes of Men's Style.