I am a retired karate/scuba instructor, now a fun time photographer. Please enjoy my work.
We create authentic film tools and assets for digital creatives.
SANTSCHi FILMS is a Production Company. We combine content production and neuromarketing for powerful results.
Can I count on your support today? Donate via paypal please :)
Someday I will come up a phrase to write here, meantime I will continue take some photos.
Life is unpredictable, do what makes you happy!
Thanks for your donation
If you want me to work for you personally, contact me: h.espinosa.films@gmail.com
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCikzTnZK33EPdWNLIEGTrcA my youtube channel
Please, make any value donations per download, to help us keep producing more new content for you!