Capture of everything simple
Skiatook Oklahoma
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Visial Arts
Every donation makes a new photo possible for my mobile photography project. Support my goal!
Grateful for donations at any level!
I'm not superstitious, but I am a little stitious. Custom commissions available. Thanks for the generous support!
Landscapes and travel addict capturing the moments along the way. Donations at any level much appreciated.
Videographer sharing his passion for photos here and on @maxravier. Donations will all go towards my travels!
Getting rid of my photos - different in content and quality
If you use my photos, please consider donating & tagging me on social media if possible :) IG: @hertniks X: @hertniks
Donations and credit are always very much appreciated | My dream is to buy Nikon D750 | Support me via👆 PayPal
Eye + Camera + Focus + Ability To Contort Body = Photograph
Hobby Photographer :: Graphic Designer
Work, eat, sleep, love and surf!