Call me Cris, I am a young girl try to be the best version that I can be in this life.
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Photographer and Filmmaker based in Cape Town, South Africa. Co-owner and Producer at Peanut Butter Visuals.
This is a library of free to use images of engineers that better represent what engineers and engineering really look like.
This collection of images has been donated to Pexels to support your creative journey. Every donation helps keep me working.
In beauty i see the love of God. Please donate if you like my pictures :)
Photographer & Videographer/filmmaker. Any donations are welcome!
please credit me if you use it free 😊
Formerly a photographer at Canva, now an Unsplash+ illustrator. founder of
Your donation keeps free photography alive—thank you for helping!
Follow me on instagram: @marcelodiasphotography | If you like my work, feel free to support me on PayPal. 🖤
Donations are deeply appreciated to sustain this creative journey! 💘
Photographer, Singer (Iriser). Please, send me donations for my work ❤