Freelance Photographer , Cinematographer and an Engineer
Head of Content at Pexels | Support me via the "Donate" button ☝️ Donation Goal: $84.11 of $500 — Thank you The I.P. 🖤
Enthusiast Nature and Landscape Photographer📷. If you feel you want to give back, please donate. Cheers!
You can help me here -> paypal.me/micaasato :)
Writer + photographer
Thank you for checking out my photos. Mentioning as a credit would be much appreciated if you use them online!!
record stores | old stuff | film | God's creation
Hey, it's Micah, I love to take pics and I believe you like too. Make sure you follow this, thanks.
Experience in working with HDMI cable, and many other mobile, computer, & office accessories, and many other gadgets and items.
¡Qué hay! Soy periodista y me encanta hacer fotografía y trabajos audiovisuales