Not a Photographer, a tech blogger
💼 CEO e Co-Fundador da🎥 Fotógrafo e Videomaker🚀 Empreendedor e Investidor🎙 ClubHouse ➡️ denilsonsantosf
I see beauty in everything
Sou fotografa, publicitária e proprietária de um Atelie de Cactos / Enjoy34 Auditoria e RH em São Paulo e São Luis do Maranhão.
Giving hope to places that have no hope and creating a small fire where it is cold.
Data Engineer by day ~ Writer by night
If you like my photography, please follow me on Instagram and Facebook. Your support will motivate me.
I'm a photographer/filmmaker and I love to tell stories. Please donate to support my work.
Photography has the power to transform every moment around us into art.
Делюсь своими работами и видением